The “Hold Me Down” rapper wrote, “Ok I tried to be cool with my record company. I went to the meeting talk to everyone and sh-- feels like there moving in slow motion. I'm sorry to announce I will not be releasing a new album this year if we don't get on the same page."
Awhile later, he continued, "My whole career iv been doing sh-- and they have been playing catch up this is the last f---ing album THEY BETTER WAKE UP AND WORK."
"I worked really hard on this album I'm not gonna let it come out like some bullsh--. There use to me just putting it out," he continued to write before finally listening to his fans' tweets urging him to release new music. "Ok f--- it I'm putting the first song off my new album out tonight."
"I worked really hard on this album I'm not gonna let it come out like some bullsh--. There use to me just putting it out," he continued to write before finally listening to his fans' tweets urging him to release new music. "Ok f--- it I'm putting the first song off my new album out tonight."
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