In February, Sofia Vergara was voted the Most Desirable Woman in the World by readers of
For those somehow questioning whether the Modern Family star is deserving of this honor, we present the cover of this month's GQ Mexico, along with a bra-less image of the beauty inside the magazine, and we say: Case. Closed.
Sofia Vergara GQ Cover
Vergara is as well known for her breasts as she is for her acting - Jimmy Kimmel referenced the star's cleavage during his White House Correspondent's Dinner speech - but she doesn't seem to mind.
"My career is because of my look and I am not ashamed of it," Sofia tells GQ. "My look has opened so many doors. But I also know that if I had something else, my career would have ended long ago. That’s why I see Sophia Loren as the perfect example of beauty, sex appeal and how the one presented in public.”
Vergara adds that she takes "great satisfaction" from comparisons to much younger stars such as Megan Fox and Mila Kunis, while male readers will take great satisfaction from the following:
This Sofia Vergara nude photo.
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