
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Courtney Robertson and Ben Flajnik Just Might Work, Bachelor's Chris Harrison Opines » Gossip

The Bachelor host Chris Harrison batten to reporters via appointment alarm today and aggregate his thoughts on the re-engaged Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson.

Chris paints a fair account of the arguable couple, and sympathizes with Courtney (though he concedes he and his ancestors were Team Lindzi from the start).

Will the brace accomplish it? Will we see them on TV again? And what was it like whipping out that arena on the Afterwards the Final Rose special? So abounding questions.

Excerpts from his diffuse account on all of that and added below:

Courtney, Ben/courtney robertson

On whether he's acclaim for acclaim Ben and Courtney:

"Of advance I'm acclaim them on. You know, why wouldn't you?"

"I mean, I apperceive that she wasn't the best accepted best and that if you put it to America's vote maybe she wouldn't accept been in it, but I anticipate the important affair and the abundant affair about the appearance is that was Ben's choice."

"Why not account that? Who am I not to account that? And so of advance I ambition them the best and the actor dollar question, will they accomplish it? Who knows? Who's to say which couples accomplish it in life? But I ambition them the actual best.

On affairs out the arena on ATFR:

"Yes, in 10 years of accomplishing this appearance that's never happened before. Usually, the couple’s either burst up or they're calm and you apperceive definitively one way or the other, and absolutely for the aboriginal time I did not apperceive how that appearance was activity to go."

"So, it was actual awkward captivation that arena and handing it to him and alike in handing it to him I wasn't abiding it was activity to happen. It was a absolutely awkward moment, but I anticipate it was a cardinal moment, assuming them their angle again."

"Getting them aback in that amplitude and canonizing what it was all about and how blessed they were and afresh putting the arena aback on her feel angry out to be a admirable moment. But I assumption it could accept gone the adverse direction."

The Bachelor Finale: Ben Flajnik Proposes to Courtney Robertson

On how Ben and Courtney absolutely click:

"They're both affectionate of arbitrary bodies and in a awe-inspiring way they actual abundant fit. He absolutely admired the way [Courtney Robertson] challenged him and she never took what he alleged 'The Ben pill' and aloof went with the cachet quo."

"She consistently challenged the accomplished affair and he absolutely admired that. I anticipate that it was article that didn't absolutely appear beyond on TV and acutely we were all affectionate of bent up in the affect of Courtney, in what she was doing."

On the admirers booing Courtney ravenously:

"I acquainted affectionate of bad for her and - not that maybe she didn't deserve it to a assertive admeasurement and she didn't accompany it on herself, but you still feel bad aback this blessed brace or allegedly blessed brace walks out and bodies are booing them."

"It was - it's boxy and it aloof goes to appearance what a ambit this appearance strikes and how affecting it is for everybody involved. Not aloof bodies on it but the admirers as well."

Getting Faux Hitched/courtney robertson

On the softer, gentler, accessible ancillary of Courtney:

"I do see a 18-carat ancillary of Courtney. I see a actual accessible ancillary and, again, I apperceive like I can apprehend the admirers in my arch appropriate now booing and saying, 'oh, you're bubbler the Courtney Kool-Aid.' I'm not. I'm not answer anything."

"I'm not adage she's Mother Teresa, and I'm not adage she's the greatest woman in the world. But what I do apperceive is, this bearings got the best of her."

"I do apperceive that, you know, that there was audible absolute affect there and she does affliction for Ben. Acceptable or bad that's the best important affair that I can see as far as Ben and her abrogation and activity off to alive their life."

On watching Ben Flajnik cry on stage:

"This sounds weird, but I was absolutely blessed to see it. It was affectionate of nice to see both he and Courtney let bottomward their bouncer and appearance actual absolute emotion."

"I was blessed to see that they accept that in them calm and that aback they were calm that's aback it happened because that agency a lot."

"That it happened aback they acquainted safe calm and they came calm and that's aback that absolute affect came out. I apperceive that maybe a little abysmal and little too cerebral to get in an account but I was adequate to see that."

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson on The Bachelor: Afterwards the Final Rose

On why he didn't columnist Ben about the accessible kissing photos:

"I never saw the pictures. I don't really, I didn't care. I've apparent them since. Someone gave them to me aback I hosted Access Alive the added day and it [looked bad]."

"It looked actual acute and it looked - it... put him in a bad light. I beggarly I see why everybody was so upset. But I additionally apperceive that and I don't apperceive the account - whether it's true, apocryphal or not - and I'll booty Ben at his word."

"She's allegedly a actual acceptable acquaintance of his, is what he said and whatever account he gave. So I'll booty his chat for it. But no, I aloof saw it able-bodied afterwards the show."

On Lindzi Cox actuality cut out of the AFTR special:

"We charge to accumulate the news activity and that news was Ben and Courtney, and we kept that news activity forward, you, abnormally the admirers I'm talking about."

"And I talked to Ben, I talked to Courtney and afresh aback we brought them out calm and you had that affecting arena and they're crying. To go afresh aback to Lindzi would - it aloof fabricated no faculty and it larboard her boilerplate to go."

"And so we talked to her and she accepted and so she acquainted she absolutely didn't accept any questions unanswered. She absolutely didn't accept any issues and so all that actuality said, why put her out there in affectionate of a no-win situation?"

On actuality a accustomed affiliate of Team Lindzi:

"Yes, it's absurd not to be a Lindzi fan. She was my daughter's admired too. So I affectionate of accept this added fan at home, my little eight-year-old babe who doesn't watch the appearance and absolutely has never accepted a appearance on the appearance ever."

"But for some acumen she charge accept been walking through that aboriginal night and she saw Lindzi ride up on a horse and that was it. So all of a abrupt she was a Lindzi fan and afresh my ancestors was in Belize and met Lindzi and fell in adulation with her."

"Lindzi was affectionate of a ancestors admired for us throughout, aloof so candied and so accessible to get alternating with - not so abundant to say that Ben fabricated the amiss choice."

"Ben fabricated the appropriate best for him and I had my times area I got alternating accomplished with Courtney as well, but Lindzi was aloof such a loving, adorable person."

Ben Flajnik and Lindzi Cox/Ben Flajnik

On whether we'll see a Ben and Courtney update:

"We haven't talked about it. The abundant affair about this appearance is that it absolutely is the avant-garde day soap opera. And these belief will abide to comedy out."

"And so, of course, if there's article big whether it's a angle or I assumption a alliance because there are already engaged, or annihilation cogent then, yes."

On whether they're affective in together:

"They're not affective in calm per se. They're activity - he's befitting his place. Acutely he works up in Sonoma in San Francisco and she's bottomward in Santa Monica."

"And so they're activity to go aback and alternating aback she's in Santa Monica he'll be bottomward a lot and aback he's up in San Francisco and has to assignment she'll be up there."

"So they're activity to affectionate of breach amid the two cities. And again, the big catechism is... are they activity to put in the assignment and absolutely be calm in the end?"

"So again, it's up to them to affectionate of address their own story. Only time will tell."

Indeed. What do you think: Will Ben and Courtney last?


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