
Saturday, March 17, 2012

George Clooney Bails Himself Out of Jail » Gossip

George Clooney is a chargeless man again.

After accepting arrested this morning as allotment of a beef adjoin the President of Sudan, the amateur bailed himself out of a D.C. bastille by bifurcation over $100.

George Clooney Arrested in D.C.

Overall, the Oscar champ was one of 15 bodies taken into aegis afterwards he banned to leave a adequate breadth in advanced of the Sudanese Embassy, as he and others - including his father, Nick, a announcer - were aggravating to accompany absorption to a abeyant genocide in the African region.

Asked by reporters about his ultra abrupt assignment abaft bars, Clooney responded:

"Listen, what we've been aggravating to accomplish today is we're aggravating to accompany absorption to an advancing emergency... We achievement bodies accept there absolutely is a active alarm on this and we charge to get moving. There's been amazing advance at times. There've been some abundant strides, but on the added hand, there's an abominable lot that's still activity on."

Seriously, how can you not adulation this guy?


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