
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lil Wayne's 'My Homies Still' Music Video Contains Creepy Movie Theater Imagery » Gossip

Lil Wayne's 'My Homies Still' Music Video Contains Creepy Movie Theater Imagery » Gossip | Lil Wayne
 Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne's 'My Homies Still' Music Video Contains Creepy Movie Theater Imagery » Gossip - The creepiest coincidence of the week comes courtesy of rapper Lil Wayne, who happened to release a music video featuring skeletons in a movie theater just a few days before the tragic killing of 12 people during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.

There's a lot of bizarre imagery in the rapper's new music video for "My Homies Still," including fuchsia elephants, a dog-man walking a man-dog on a leash, both Lil Wayne's and Big Sean's heads on platters, and a lady macking on a mannequin. But the scenes sure to stick with people come near the end of the video, when Wayne and Sean rap before a theater of skeletons and giggling children.

The scene would likely have been cut out of the final piece had it not been released on July 17, three days before the Batman massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Naturally, fans have commented on the insane timing on YouTube. Sample reactions include:

mind control. "go stupid" there is no way James Holmes got SWAT gear and explosives all on his own. He wasn't alone on this.

The Colorado shooting was setup by the Government so they can take our right to bear arms! Don't let them take our guns! Wake up people and STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!

The skeletons in the theater represents the colorado shooting in the theater because why would there be skeletons? Its obvious this song is just a way to insult to people that died. I MEAN think about it a girl dressed like Batman in the theater it fucking obvious! I DONT CARE IF YALL SAY THIS SONG WAS MADE BEFORE THE SHOOTING THESE ILLUMANATI PUPPETS PROBABLY KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN. THEY WANT U TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS NOT BASED ON THE SHOOTING BUT IT IS. I RECOMMEND U DONT BUY HIS ALBUM!
Oh boy.
Wayne hasn't commented on the crazy coincidence.


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